
By: Insurance King

Insure One is Now Freeway Insurance. You may have seen that the Insure One signs have been changed to Freeway Insurance. Insure One was purchased by Affirmative Insurance in 2002 and was sold to Confie Seguros in 2013. Confie Seguros also purchased Freeway Insurance in 2013.

Confie Seguros is acquiring agencies at a rapid pace. Since 2008 when Confie Seguros started they have acquired at least 100 insurance agencies.

Confie Seguros has approached Insurance King numerous times about acquiring the agency. Insurance King is not looking to sell the agency to Confie Seguros. The main reason for this is because the business models are distinctly different and it would affect our customers.

Although we are an Independent Insurance agency and we do offer many of the same business insurance companies there is significant differences between Insurance King and Confie Seguros locations.

Insurance King does not charge $5.00 to make a payment by phone with a debit or credit card. In fact, making a payment with a debit card or credit card goes direct to the insurance company.  Insurance King does this at no expense to the customer.

Another difference is that Insurance King since 2001 has never charged a renewal fee. Whereas our competition may charge a renewal fee every 6 months. We view this as punishing our customers for remaining customers, and that is why we do not charge a renewal fee.

Insurance King is a direct bill agency not an agency bill agency. What does this mean? Well Insurance King places the insurance direct with the Insurance Companies for payment plans. Whereas, our competition uses the Agency Billing which allows the agency to charge interest and additional fees. Agency Bill interest rates vary from 24%-51% customers will find the interest rates in the disclosure forms which are usually mailed after the sale.

Insurance King strives to give the best possible customer service at the lowest possible cost to our customers. This is how Insurance King is growing and is on the wish to purchase list of Confie Seguros. Our marketing strategy is the most innovative in the car insurance industry and has yet to be replicated.

To get a quote with Insurance King go to a local office, call 888-839-1365 or visit https://seguroselrey.com

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